My Daily Revelation Journal

Okay, I confess: "My Daily Revelation Journal" is far from daily, but what I have here is a collection of thoughts I wrote about life and about faith through the years.

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Location: Seward, Nebraska, United States

Monday, December 13, 2004

I think God works in crazy ways

If you don't believe me, just come take a walk in my shoes. Every day God does something crazy, and I love it! Nothing is greater than seeing stuff and thinking, man, that's a God thing. But for the last couple of weeks i've been wrestling with what college i will be attending next fall. I've been leaning towards one college for alittle while now, but today, i talk to a counselor from the other college and we talk about some stuff like how i would be a perfect fit at that college, which is his opinion nonetheless, but i can see that. We also started to talk about financial aid and he told me a rough guestimate (a guess and an estimate smushed together incase you didn't know). This college is cheaper than the other to begin with, but then i find out that it'll be even cheaper with the aid that i'll be getting. Now, here's the crazy part, i think God has His ways of telling His people stuff. For awhile now, people have told me that God will tell me where I belong, and i've been praying and waiting for Him to drop a memo and let me know, but He doesn't work like that, It's His Will, so It's His Schedule right? Right! (I have to keep telling myself that.) But, I think God is telling me but not by whispering it in my ear, or sending the angel Gabriel to me at night to tell me i'm with child. Just kidding(that was Mary, incase you didn't know), but we can't possibly fathom the ways that God tries to tell us things. Sometimes we don't listen, and can you imagine how frustrating that is for God? Man, poor guy. But anyway my daily revelation today is, GOD WORKS IN MYSTERIOUS WAYS TO BENEFIT HIS PEOPLE! Kinda crazy huh? And its the truth, isn't that great. Makes me feel all warm and cuddley inside. But anyway, God doesn't just speak to us through those weird life events where you have to stop and say WOAH! HOLD ON! and you can't help but think "That's God..sneeky sneeky." He also speaks to us in His Word (the Bible), His Sacraments (Supper, and your shower *communion and baptism*), and in prayer, your one on one time with the Big Boss Man. So, take some time to notice those crazy weird things, but most importantly, meet God for supper and a chit chat once in awhile, He loves to talk!

God's Blessings,


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Amen, Adam! Sometimes God hits us with a 2x4. Yet, sometimes His revelations come to us in the form of slivers. Not quite as visible, sometimes painful and annoying (and we even find that the thorn in our side is a blessing in disguise). In whichever form, His guiding plan is always there for us to pursue.
*Oh, and I just had to stop and laugh about those stupid, super sticky post it notes :)
GBYA! (God Bless You Always!)

10:19 PM  

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