My Daily Revelation Journal

Okay, I confess: "My Daily Revelation Journal" is far from daily, but what I have here is a collection of thoughts I wrote about life and about faith through the years.

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Location: Seward, Nebraska, United States

Tuesday, December 21, 2004

Not so Daily

WELL! If any of you haven't already noticed, "My Daily Revelation Journal" isn't so "daily." I should have named it "My Regular Revelation Journal" or "My Sometimes I'll post a Revelation Journal." Some of those may have been more fitting. But my revelation for today is (hold on..i have to let my dog in)..ok back...that sometimes a person just has one of those regular, run of the mill, just like every other day kind of days where nothing spectacular happens, and especially sometimes something intellectual. And my last couple of days have been like that. I just don't have anything.
But something else i've made a connection with is....when i 1st started this nice little blog i was in a semi-regular (daily) routine of personal devotion and scripture reading time. But, just as this not being daily, neither is that anymore. How frustrating is have a wonderful little course of Bible study going, and then pooof! all of a sudden you're too busy...or so I say. How can i do that to God, just throw Him to the way side like I do. And oh reading this out there thinking you don't do flash do. You are just as guilty as I am. Guilty as charged, throw us in jail, and hide the key...BUT...the parole board (Jesus..*that's one heck of an analagy*:>) has freed us! WOO HOO! But what was i saying? OH YES! That how terrible it is that I can't stay with a regular Bible study. GRR.. it frustrates me. But do you think that frustration can motivate me to continue it!? YES...but not for long! Man...i hate screwing up. It blows..haha..for lack of a better term.
But anyway, I think I've made you stupider enough now..(i just did it again with my bad english *more stupid*). So, what i want you to get from this is, even if you get off the routine of studying God's Word, you can get back on. And i'm pretty sure God will be there waiting for you.

God's Blessings,


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