My Daily Revelation Journal

Okay, I confess: "My Daily Revelation Journal" is far from daily, but what I have here is a collection of thoughts I wrote about life and about faith through the years.

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Location: Seward, Nebraska, United States

Wednesday, December 22, 2004

Screw Ups

Well, I'm gonna do it again, I'm gonna talk some more about screwing up. I do it all the time. I do it in not keeping this daily, not studying God's Word daily, by doing stupid things, by making mistakes, and making people mad. And that's the first thing to do, I'm able to realize that i mess up...(A LOT). Well, by now you're thinking, "what's he getting at?" I'll tell ya. Next time someone screws up, think about how many times you've screwed up and remember that you probably wanted nothing more than for that person to forgive you. Think about it from the other perspective before you get really mad, how would you feel if you were in their position. Chances are you have seen it from there place, because we all screw up. Badly. All the time we sin, and ask for forgiveness. Well, Jesus took that perspective too, though He didn't sin, He just took all of ours but He is in a way that question for forgiveness lived out. And the Resurrection is that apology accepted by God. Saying, "come my children, I forgive you. Believe in My Son. I want you to come spend eternity with me."
I suppose you may be mildly confused now, and that analagy smushed in there probably isn't very clear. But, today, my daily revelation isn't anything new or super amazing, it's simple, basic, and the truth..and i think it coencides nicely with the golden rule. Forgive others, just as you will want to be forgiven, and have been forgiven.

God's Blessing Upon You this Coming Christmas,


Blogger Adam said...

Hey, this is my Blog, but i decided i should comment and elaborate alittle. I mostly wrote that for myself, but in the form of a message to others. I'm the one that's to forgive. The great thing is, not matter how huge, or how minor that problem still deserves wholehearted forgiveness, just as Father God has done for us.

God Bless,

10:02 AM  

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