My Daily Revelation Journal

Okay, I confess: "My Daily Revelation Journal" is far from daily, but what I have here is a collection of thoughts I wrote about life and about faith through the years.

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Location: Seward, Nebraska, United States

Monday, September 05, 2005


Well, I've found that the confusion nevers hides...but again it has resurfaced and reincarnated into a totally different form or confusion. As I sit here, putting of my studying for my new testament test tomorrow (the first one) and listening to my roommate prank call people using Napoleon Dynamite quotes from the internet, I am reminded of another class period I had today. It was in my General Studies class, and I can really see how much our Professor cares about us and the growth of our faith. But we've been doing some role playing, and he is really challenging us to explain our faith in a way that people who don't believe anything that we do could understand. It really makes us think of what we know, and we almost have to separate ourselves from our faith and look at it from another perspective. Some of us are coming up with new theories, some of us are second-guessing what we have been taught, but within reason of course. But I jotted down today some questions that I had forming and I'll put them up and feel free to respond how you wish and what you think. You will tend to notice some of my confusion in the questions. How "deep" is my faith? Does faith have substance, as in evidence, and if so what is the substance of my faith? There are questions, but where do I find the answers? What am I lacking in my fiath, what haven't I figured out? I may be naive, but what am I naive about? How blind is my faith? -Let me know what you think. And try to answer those questions from a standpoint that you are trying to explain to someone who doesn't believe, doesn't believe in the Bible, does think it's credible. What is there to say? I'm having alot of trouble with this myself, and it's really frustrating because I feel like horrible christian, and I tend to second guess my faith and who I am as a christian. It's scary, I don't really like it, but I think it's going to create room for growth, and I can't wait until it happens.

God's Blessings as you find God in a new light, cause i can't wait until i do,


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