My Daily Revelation Journal

Okay, I confess: "My Daily Revelation Journal" is far from daily, but what I have here is a collection of thoughts I wrote about life and about faith through the years.

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Location: Seward, Nebraska, United States

Friday, March 27, 2009


I don’t know what it is about flying. I have done it several times, but every time comes with the same amount of anxiety. I just am thankful that I am not paralyzed by the anxiety so that I can still experience the incredible feelings. I’ve always wondered which I enjoy more, taking off or landing. I would definitely have to say taking off. Sitting at the end of the runway and feeling the power of the engines as they roar to life and there is just that sense of what is to come and when that release happens and the plane begins to barrel down the runway and gains speeds that only can be experienced in a plane or a fast car doing something extremely illegal. Then that moment just as the wheels have leave the ground is indescribable. The plane takes to the air and has that momentary dip as the forces of the air passing over and under the wings to provide the lift take over. As I flew on Thursday, the Dallas/Ft. Worth area had a decently heavy blanket of fog, thankfully not enough to delay the flight. The incredible whiteness was eerie as we climbed through the fog. Then once we got above the fog, the sight above the clouds never ceases to amaze me and wonder in awe at the amazing hands of God. As we continued our ascent above the fog, the top of those thick clouds looked more like what I’ve seen in the pictures of the barren lands of Antarctica, freckled with rising plateaus of clouds above that even. To make the sight even more extraordinary a new song by the Newsboys began to play on my ipod. I recently purchased this song, and I had no idea it would so profoundly affect me that day. The song is called, “in the hands of God,” and that is exactly how I felt. Not only was I talking myself into feeling that for comfort as I prayed for a successful flight, but the words fit perfectly. Repeated in the song is the phrase, “You’re amazing!” That is exactly the perfect thought as the plane continued to rise above Creation into the heavens. The sight was truly amazing, and I feel that way every time I fly, it never ceases to completely impress me. He is truly a powerful and amazing God who we worship.
And to make the whole experience even better, I went ahead and spilled my apple juice. Don’t worry, none got on my computer. It was very difficult to open. The second container opened much easier.

In Christ,


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