My Daily Revelation Journal

Okay, I confess: "My Daily Revelation Journal" is far from daily, but what I have here is a collection of thoughts I wrote about life and about faith through the years.

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Location: Seward, Nebraska, United States

Saturday, December 25, 2004

When do God's Plans become my plans? ..or When do my plans become God's?

Well, as you could probably tell by the title, i'm a bit confused. I've been doing alot of thinking this christmas season. And well, i've kinda come to that conclusion that is my title for this post. When do God's plans become my plans and vis versa. Well, I'll give you an example: The other day, my friend and i were discussing the draft on MSN. He said that he pretty much is afraid of the draft, and he said something really interesting, he said that it would mess up all of his plans. And well, I thought that was rather interesting. I'm not saying that what he said was bad, cause it's true! I think the same thing all the time, and I'm sure almost every guy that has had to register feels the same way. And i'm also pretty sure that almost every guy that was drafted in Vietnam for example probably thought at one point, what about my plans, or I have all these plans, what now?
Now, my next thought plans....So what ever happened to God's plans? How do you know that this isn't God's plan for you? That's what i would be inclined to tell them, and if i were to ever be drafted...after all the freaking out and being scared poopless and stuff..i would have to tell myself that it must be God's plan. Which would pretty much just be either a slight detour away from "my plans," as in i'll merge up with them later, or by chance my life be taken in war, a direct flight to be with God. Do not pass go, do not collect $200, absolute straight trip to be with Him. Which makes me ask myself, now would that be all bad? I don't think so.
So, back to the main idea. What i'm trying to say is, and it's my revelation for now, and it is that I can make my plans, but I will never know God's plan. So, if something goes down, then I guess it must be part of God's plan, even if it doesn't exactly agree with my own. But my next thought is....MAN! I WANNA GET MY HANDS ON THAT ITINERARY! Don't ya sometimes wish God was just this cool travel agent and you were a tourist, just moving through life, seeing all the sites, and you knew every where that you were going to go, and that no matter what you're gonna end up at the gift shop (heaven)? Man..that would be great. Well..i think i've gotten my point across, now i just gotta work on the whole submitting myself to God's plan, the hard part. I wish you luck on doing that yourself..

God's Richest Blessings, (especially upon your future)


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