My Daily Revelation Journal

Okay, I confess: "My Daily Revelation Journal" is far from daily, but what I have here is a collection of thoughts I wrote about life and about faith through the years.

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Location: Seward, Nebraska, United States

Monday, March 28, 2005

Trust!!! AGAIN!

So, awhile back I was on this trust in Him kick. Well, I found something else today and it just made me happy...just the shear thought of it. First I say how I came upon this little, well..revelation. On my computer desk, my mom has this little knick-knack and it's this box deal with a bear holding a heart on it. I have no idea where she got this, but I know she's had it for awhile and I've messed with it before, but the important part of this little box are the little cards with Bible verses on them. Well, the cards have always been in a plastic covering so they had never been changed and one verse had looked at us all this time: "All the ways of the Lord are loving and faithful." --Psalm 25:10. While that is an awesome and SO true of a verse, I thought maybe it's time to open the package and change the card. So I did, without my mommy's permission, hopefully she doesn't care, but I doubt she will, cause I flipped over that card and on the back was an AWESOME trust verse! I was more than slightly excited. so, without and further adew (or however that saying goes...) here is Romans 15:13--"May the God of hope fill you with all joy and peace as you trust in him." WOAH! So simple, but so nice. Trust in Him. In Him we have Hope when we trust in Him! Woo..I don't have anything else to say...

May the God of hope fill you with all joy and peace as you trust in Him,


Blogger Kris said...

Thank you for the words of inspiration from the good book.

8:26 PM  

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