My Daily Revelation Journal

Okay, I confess: "My Daily Revelation Journal" is far from daily, but what I have here is a collection of thoughts I wrote about life and about faith through the years.

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Location: Seward, Nebraska, United States

Sunday, March 19, 2006

Profess in Your Profession.

     It has been a LONG time since I have written on here, and that makes me pretty sad. It always happens like this, I write a lot and then I have a dry spot for a lengthy period of time and then I come back. I need to be a little more regular with my postings. But I will use college as my excuse as it has been a very busy past few months for me, especially the last 2 months. But the grace of God has led me through, and I haven’t become too insane at this point. But to the reason that has brought me back to post: today in church I was moved to just write, and write I did. I began to write rather feverishly on my bulletin, which has very limited space I came realize.
     I have accepted my call; I made my decision to follow the path which has been laid out before me. I deserve not praise for my part, for I could not have and did not do it alone. My sinful nature would not allow it; God gave me the option and gifts, and the Holy Spirit worked in me so that I could in confidence know that what I was feeling about my future was real. God has given me the capabilities to accept this form of ministry. For those who don’t know, I am committed to become a Lutheran Classroom teacher and teach Secondary Education and Social Sciences. God has given me the opportunities in my school and with financial assistance, and also an extremely supportive base in my family, friends, and my very special home church, St. Paul’s-Hartley. I deserve not the praise, because really, I have done nothing but submit myself to God’s will, and in no grand scale. Millions of people not in “professional church work” have given themselves over to God’s will to lead their lives. I am not special. My circumstance is hardly different from any other Christian committed to the Lord’s service in any profession. Praise be to God and adoration to the King that He has laid out paths before us, given us the free will to take them. I pray that we do, willingly follow our paths in dutiful service for the Lord.
     College has presented me with many hurdles; it has done its job in challenging me, expanding my abilities and knowledge for God’s service in the Education field. I rejoice in that which I am about to learn in the coming three years before my graduation and entrance into the world of work, serving God. I pray that God blesses my path which He has laid out before me, blessing each step I take along that path. Again, I praise God for the great support He has blessed me with. My parents I know have not always been sure on how possible it would be financially, but I could still sense their faith in the face of that uncertainty, Lord knows I had my doubts as well. God has endowed in my home church body a very gracious and giving heart to assist me and another young man from the church committed to professional church work.
     Again, I praise God for what He has done in my heart and all those dedicated to professional church work, and to all those who have it in their hearts to serve the Lord in all that they do, in any profession. I don’t think it’s just a coincidence that the word “profess” is found in profession. In our jobs, and all that we do, we have the abilities and capabilities to profess the grace, mercy, and love of our Lord and Savior. Let as all profess in our professions.

In Christ,


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