My Daily Revelation Journal

Okay, I confess: "My Daily Revelation Journal" is far from daily, but what I have here is a collection of thoughts I wrote about life and about faith through the years.

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Location: Seward, Nebraska, United States

Wednesday, January 19, 2005

Biggest Revelation yet!

Wow, if you haven't read my last post yet, don't. It has to be one of the most self-centered things I've ever written. I read back over it and become disgusted with myself. Then I read the comments. Seeing those helped alot.
I'd like to introduce everyone to somebody. If you read those comments, you'll see one by a person that calls himself Dub. Well, actually alot of people call him Dub. It's his nickname and he's a pastor that was a very brave individual because he stood before over 100 teenages at my church camp every day for an hour and talked about sex. Yes, you heard (read)me correctly. But anyway, we have come to know him as Pastor Dub. Well! Anyway, if you read that comment, this man who I have come to respect besides for one bad movie review:) (sorry to bring that up again Pastor). But he said some extremely important things that have given me a new direction to this blog, and quite frankly the direction I should have had all along. My biggest revelation yet is credited to the wisdom of Pastor Dub. But I will post his comment: (oh, and I'd like to thank him for his 2 cents worth)
Dub said...
"The best part about blogging is not getting people to read what you write. The best part about blogging is recording what you feel and where you've been so that when you're in this position again, it looks familiar.I post the important revelations of my life because I want to remember them, not because I want people to see how spiritual I am. If you're posting to show off, it's the wrong reason (cf. Matt. 6:5ff). If you're posting to see where you've been before and to see how far God has brought you, then you are on the path to true spiritual growth.It doesn't matter if other people see us grow. It only matters that we grow. When we grow, other people will see it."
(To go to Dub's blog, click here)
The direction I've had on this is, I've put my revelations on here for an audience, when really I should have only used it as a place for my own thoughts, and my own spiritual growth. This incorrect purpase led to my nonsensical low-morale feeling. How vain can I be. The purpose of my blog is to process my feelings and thoughts and to put things down for my own remembering. I love all of you and thank you so much for reading my posts, but well..I can't let you all be the reason for my writing. Sorry. :) I also would like to get back to giving glory to God in my writings. I need to focus more on putting Him in the center. I need to have Him be the axis my world spins on. (hows that for an analogy) But I think I've said enough, because well, Pastor Dub pretty well said it all!

God's Blessings in wherever you find yourself in life,


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