My Daily Revelation Journal

Okay, I confess: "My Daily Revelation Journal" is far from daily, but what I have here is a collection of thoughts I wrote about life and about faith through the years.

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Location: Seward, Nebraska, United States

Monday, January 17, 2005

My Morale is alittle low.

High hopes can make for deep disappointment. That is my revelation today. The worst part, is it's my own fault. When I first created this blog, I guess the main reason I started it was so that people could read any thoughts that I have sometimes. Well, I guess I've felt that I don't have as many people reading these posts as I originally hoped. But I really put myself up for disappointment for thinking that I would be a widespread thing. But I really didn't expect it to be large, but I was hoping I get alittle bit bigger of a response.
But I really need to thank all of you that do read this, I appreciate it so much when I see comments. I don't have many feelings as good as reading someone's thoughts on my posts and knowing that they took the time to read what I have to say. Again, I appreciate it so much, even if you don't feel the need to comment, that's fine, I still appreciate it.

Also, I have another revelation. Tomorrow my school starts our 2nd semester, and that means the start of one of the most rigerous classes probably offered at our high school. So, in other words, my freetime will be a rare commoditity. But that's alright, I'll still try to get on this as much as possible. I'll keep it short today, I'm usually rather long-winded, but i think this'll do. Again, I thank my readers.

God's Blessings Upon Your Endeavors,


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey, man, don't be so down on yourself! I don't know if I ever told you, but I read this (obviously since I'm commenting now). Your blog is always pretty inspiring and invokes lots of thoughts in my head. Also, with stuff like this you just never know how God is going to work through you to reach someone. It stinks because you want to see clear results, but God likes to keep these things a mystery from us. Don't give up, and I have a feeling that this blog helps you to sort things out probably more than it helps others. You're doing great! God's blessings in your last semester of high school! I love ya!

7:02 PM  
Blogger Kris said...

I do read your blog all the always make me think and looking more indepth about Jeremiah is great! However, I don't always have the time to reply, like you my semester is in full swing as I get closer to finishing up my undergraduate degree I feel the pressure all around me...I read one of your comments from some other person and they are right, i'm sure that your blog helps you more than anything. I know that is why i do mine it isn't really for the comments, but it is the thought that it is there for people to reply to but it gives me a way to write my thoughts (what few i have) on everything and reflect on them later. I use it for mainly my devotions and it helps build my relationship with God in some wierd way. Hope you have a great day in class tm!I'm going to stop rambling now...
Love Always,

8:30 PM  
Blogger Tom Vanderbilt said...

The best part about blogging is not getting people to read what you write. The best part about blogging is recording what you feel and where you've been so that when you're in this position again, it looks familiar.

I post the important revelations of my life because I want to remember them, not because I want people to see how spiritual I am. If you're posting to show off, it's the wrong reason (cf. Matt. 6:5ff). If you're posting to see where you've been before and to see how far God has brought you, then you are on the path to true spiritual growth.

It doesn't matter if other people see us grow. It only matters that we grow. When we grow, other people will see it.

That'll be $0.02.

8:00 AM  

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