My Daily Revelation Journal

Okay, I confess: "My Daily Revelation Journal" is far from daily, but what I have here is a collection of thoughts I wrote about life and about faith through the years.

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Location: Seward, Nebraska, United States

Saturday, January 08, 2005

The Divine Mystery

Does anyone know what I'm referring to when I say the Divine Mystery? Well, thanks the to book I'm reading, Open Secrets by Richard Lischer, I now know what it is. It's the Holy Trinity of God. God the Father, God the Son, and God the Holy Spirit. I can remember from back in my confirmation days, my Pastor once asked me to explain to him the Trinity. Being the genious student that I am, I nailed it!...or so I thought, my pastor continued to look at me and say, "I don't get it." Well, that just cut me down. was the truth because with the wonderful gift of hindsight, I can look back and realize that I had no idea what I was talking about!
In this book, Richard begins to describe the most beautiful stained glass window in the entire church. I won't go into the specifics because he does describe it in the book, but that's alittle much for this, but they call it the Trinity window.
First, lets learn alittle of what I'm assuming is Latin. The word for God is Deus. Father is Pater. Son is Filius, and Holy Spirit is Spiritus Santus. If that ain't latin, let me know..but i'm pretty sure it is...but, as I showed earlier...I can actually be wrong....surprising I know..But anyway, Richard Lischer is a Lutheran pastor and he has his doctorate thinger and everything, so I'd say he's a pretty intelligent man. Well, he kinda puts in his book (Open Secrets) a little something about the Trinity that I think is pretty interesting, he says, "God is persons and nothing else. There is no waxy residue of divinity that is not wrapped up in these three persons, Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. That's who God is. God is (est) each of these three persons, but the persons are distinct from one another (non est-is not). God is both: alone in majesty and at the same time forever radiating love through each person of the Trinity." I think that says it pretty well. He also later says that no amount of analogies will produce the majesty of the Holy Trinity, who is alone in greatness and divinity..and he states an example analogy that is the skin, the pulp, and the core--all are an apple. Kinda interesting huh? How they are all distinct and different but are all one. But he's so right, that analogy doesn't come close to the majesty of the Holy Trinity. But with all this that he says, he still calls the Trinity a mystery. Interesting I think. But it's just one of those things that we just aren't supposed to comprehend, we just don't have the possibility to do that.
I am hoping that God holds regular press conferences in heaven so that when I get there I can go and sit in and inbetween many peoples "Why'd you do that to me" questions, I can ask Him some real questions like, "How'd you make the sun shine?" or one of my first ones would be, "What are your thoughts on evolution?" cause I think that would be fairly interesting. I would hope that He would start to laugh at how obsurd it is. But who knows! I doubt by the time I get there, dumb, pointless, insignificant questions will be...well..hmm..INSIGNIFICANT. I think I'll just bask in His glory, maybe armwrestle Jesus, He looks like He could put up a pretty good match. He's prolly win though...being God and all. But this is stuff I find myself thinking about. I'm sure heaven's not just a place to sit around and watch all the poor shmucks that gotta live on earth still. There's so many things I'd wanna do. After I've beaten Jesus at an armwrestling match, and an embrace that I find myself yearning for, I'll go find some of my family members. Tell them I beat Jesus, (is that blasphemy andrew?) and just sit and talk to them, hug them. Makes me almost teary eyed, to think about the joy of being able to spend eternity like that. Something that would never get old or boring. Yes, there are the sad thoughts of leaving loved ones on earth, but I think thinking of that takes away from the greatness of going to heaven. And I think I've found a feeling that beats feeling loved..but also, this feeling is so completely love at the same time, and it's the assurance that I will one day go and be with my Father and my Savior. I can't think of anything better.
Wow...I kinda got off from my topic, yet I didn't at the same time. I think I covered two "divine mysteries," the Holy Trinity, and Heaven. I think Heaven is even more of a mystery. Here's a tough question: Describe to me what Heaven looks like. Hope you don't run across one of those on a test. But the great thing is, just as with the Holy Trinity and forming our own comprehension of it, we can also have our own idea of what Heaven will be like. Who knows..maybe everyone will have their own special part of heaven, that was exactly like they imagined it. Kinda like a bedroom. There's a song that gets me really excited for Heaven, maybe you've heard it, Big House by Audio Adrenaline. Great song. Jesus has gone to prepare a place for us, and we can play football, or arm wrestle. Such a mysterious, yet beautiful thing.
I think I'll stop there, I'm on the verge of a novelette. (A short novel) Sorry about being so random and ADDish tonight.

God's Blessings,


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Haha...absolutely loved your interpretation of heaven! I can only imagine what it will be like ;) (little music notes) but I know it's gonna be awesome! Hope to see you there someday!
Take Care and God Bless!

10:05 PM  

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