My Daily Revelation Journal

Okay, I confess: "My Daily Revelation Journal" is far from daily, but what I have here is a collection of thoughts I wrote about life and about faith through the years.

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Location: Seward, Nebraska, United States

Sunday, January 09, 2005

Have a problem with someone? Maybe it's you!

Yeah, I'm mostly referring to myself. But do you find yourself having strained relationships and the like? I do sometimes and well, my revelation just happened a little bit ago, and it's that I've come to realize that so often in those strained relationships, it's me that has the problem, or is causing all of the trouble.
There are a few things that contribute to me causing the tension in relationships, and I can pretty much connect at least one or more of these following things to most, if not all, of any strained relationships I've had. One of the things is I'm way too easily annoyed. If something isn't going right, or I'm not in just the right mood, people around me suffer because I'm annoyed and acting childish. Another is my temper, I get set off so easily. Some of my classmates and I have had trouble with this in that I'm known to "freak out," or blow up. Which is true. Also, my horrible mood swings contribute greatly to many of my relational troubles. People have out and told me that I'm really hard to read, and I believe that because my mood can change at the drop of a dime. Those are just a few of the problems I find in myself when I evaluate myself. Most people will say, naahh..that's no big deal. Well, actually they can become a huge problem, and sometimes they are. I can think of so many times that I have gotten myself into trouble because of my attitude. And actually, I think alot of is my personality. I sometimes find myself saying that the person was being dumb and deserved it or whatever, but when I think about it...when I truly think about it, there's sometimes no excuse for my behavior. It really frustrates me. Sometimes, I can be the biggest...well..for lack of a better term...jerk. Makes me even more thankful for my friends and family.
Makes me also to appreciate much more the forgiveness I've been given through Christ. And with that I suddenly find myself at a loss for words...I just pray my friends can continue to find it in their hearts to forgive my numerous imperfections, so often I find myself unworthy. I also pray that the relationships that have been hurt or broken because of...myself..can be mended with forgiveness. Ok, I'm off. I'd like to end with a message to all of my family and friends, I am sorry for the way that I conduct myself sometimes. Often, I do not have the self-control needed to be the kind of son, brother, friend, boyfriend, co-worker, student, etc. that I should. Forgive me, I pray that I'll gain the strength to control myself and my actions towards others for life is too short to have broken ties. Thank you to all those who put up with me on a daily basis, sometimes you are as brave as a lion tamer.

God's Riches Blessings Upon Your Day,


Blogger Tom Vanderbilt said...

Hey Adam, belive it or not, I have the same problems that you do...even today. But, i started to ask myself why I would get so upset and, for me, I found that there were a few things that I was really passionate about. I don't want to lose the passion that drives my emotions but I do want to express it positively.

I want to encourage you to stay "fired up" in and for the things that are important. Don't lose the fire, just don't let it burn down your house.


Pastor Dub

8:03 AM  
Blogger Kris said...

Well, seeing as how I am one of those people that probably annoys you….don’t ever worry if you have to tell some one to step back, take a deep breath and give yourself some space, so that your relationship isn’t tense. God has a reason of putting people in each of our lives…it is all part of the big picture that we don’t see. As for not being able to read you…I don’t know you well enough, other than you are a great guy, but I don’t know your moods either but just a side note on them, a true friend is always forgiving and understanding of every mood because at one point they have been in one themselves.
God Bless Always,

6:28 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

The ability to love others is a rare quality these days, yet is one you have been greatly blessed with, Adam. The love you share impacts lives.(emphasis on the period.)

A good verse to memorize: 2John 1:6 "And this is love: that we walk in obedience to his commands...and his command is that you walk in love." God wants/commands us to love. Adam, continue to love even when you feel as though you can't. Let God's spirit intercede, be filled with HIS grace, and use His love that overflows from you to spread to others.
God Bless!

9:46 PM  

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