My Daily Revelation Journal

Okay, I confess: "My Daily Revelation Journal" is far from daily, but what I have here is a collection of thoughts I wrote about life and about faith through the years.

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Location: Seward, Nebraska, United States

Monday, March 28, 2005

Trust!!! AGAIN!

So, awhile back I was on this trust in Him kick. Well, I found something else today and it just made me happy...just the shear thought of it. First I say how I came upon this little, well..revelation. On my computer desk, my mom has this little knick-knack and it's this box deal with a bear holding a heart on it. I have no idea where she got this, but I know she's had it for awhile and I've messed with it before, but the important part of this little box are the little cards with Bible verses on them. Well, the cards have always been in a plastic covering so they had never been changed and one verse had looked at us all this time: "All the ways of the Lord are loving and faithful." --Psalm 25:10. While that is an awesome and SO true of a verse, I thought maybe it's time to open the package and change the card. So I did, without my mommy's permission, hopefully she doesn't care, but I doubt she will, cause I flipped over that card and on the back was an AWESOME trust verse! I was more than slightly excited. so, without and further adew (or however that saying goes...) here is Romans 15:13--"May the God of hope fill you with all joy and peace as you trust in him." WOAH! So simple, but so nice. Trust in Him. In Him we have Hope when we trust in Him! Woo..I don't have anything else to say...

May the God of hope fill you with all joy and peace as you trust in Him,

Sunday, March 27, 2005

I was messing around with a picture of a flag I took on the day of Shane's funeral, so I thought I would do something alittle special with it. For those of you who were around for the funeral, the flag was the big one that was flying from the extended fire truck ladders over main street.
Please, never forget those who have died for our country, they sacrificed so much.

In Christ,

Tuesday, March 22, 2005

Just stuff to get off my chest

I've been really second guessing myself lately. Not just where I'm gonna go to college..cause really..I've made that decision, or so I thought. But so much stuff is coming to light now..and I really don't feel like I have the direction that I used to. Or that i thought i had or felt. First off...I'd like to say God's timetable of course isn't coinciding with mine right now...As it stands, me and my family have no idea how we are goin to finance my wonderful little "dream" education. can lemme know your thoughts anytime..that'd be super. So..with me thinking "how's it gonna work out?" I have to think to myself also "maybe it's not for me then." but then what is for me? Regardless..i still feel as though I am to least right now anyway..but where..and to whom, etc. I know not now, but i'd sure love too. I've just struggled with how God thinks that completely second guessing myself is for the better. If he could stop it..that sure would be super. I guess patience is a virtue that sadly i do not possess. I blame in on society: a society of fast food and high speed internet. COME ON GOD! KEEP UP! I just don't understand...I just wanna catch a break once. It always seems like everyone around me it getting it all. So i have to think..what am i doing wrong that's allowing me to miss so..gracefully. I pray my ship comes to shore..and i guess i have a distant feeling it may..but with the way i feel now..i see it hitting an iceberg just a few hundred miles from destination. I guess I finally understand why Adam and Eve ate that apple...they thought maybe they would be able to know what God possibly understand! WHERE DO I BELONG!?..

Thursday, March 17, 2005

True Hero

Some of you may know, but for those who may not, the town that I am from, Hartley, has lost a hero this past week. Shane Koele, a 1998 graduate of Hartley Melvin Sanborn High School, a son, a brother, a father, and a husband lost his life in Afghanistan from a land mine. Shane was a true soldier, fighting for those who can't fight for themselves, a true hero. But what else did Shane fight for, what else are all of those soldiers, including my brother Thomas, fighting for? I have a pretty good idea, freedom. Freedoms for us and freedoms for them.
I wrote an essay, an attempt to define the word Freedom, and I would like to post it. It may not be that great, but I would like to dedicate it to Shane Koele and all those who have lost their lives for the cause and for those who continue to fight.

There are five basic freedoms all citizens of the United States of America possess under the First Amendment of the Constitution. The Freedom of Speech, the Freedom of Press, the Freedom of Religion, the Freedom of Petition, and the Freedom to Assemble were all listed under the First Amendment by our Forefathers as rights that the citizens of our great nation could not be denied. Freedom, to truly be free, is a gift given to all citizens through the blood, sweat, and tears of other citizens. Men and women have fought in wars and battles and marched and chanted for the freedoms we now enjoy. Freedom is the liberty, free will, independence, and sovereignty we all share in our great nation.
Like so many things in life, we tend to take our freedoms for granted. Going through our day-to-day living not really understanding the full scope and range of the freedoms we really have. We do not see when looking at the newspaper that the writers, reporters, and editors have the right and freedom to put what they feel appropriate into print. We so often encounter our liberties in day-to-day living that they have become unnoticed in our lives. Unnoticed until we feel that someone else has infringed on our freedoms, then we become defensive. We forget that our rights and freedoms end where the next person’s rights begin. It has become too easy to take a lawsuit to court forcing high courts to make decisions concerning everyone’s five basic rights when people are off fighting for the very freedoms that are contested every day. Are the efforts of our soldiers to preserve our freedoms in vain? No. When will we start to forget about the fighting against freedoms and remember the fight for the freedoms.
Even though, Men and women are still fighting the war for freedom. The United States has taken upon itself to set aside any minor problems we have with our basic rights just to spread those rights to people in our world. To spread the freedoms to people who would give anything for a chance to practice a religion without fear of being jailed or killed. There are millions of people in our world today who do not enjoy our same basic freedoms because of a tyrannous foe who denies them those rights. But we have vowed to spread our freedoms to people who do not know them as we do.
We the people of the United States of America know five basic freedoms that have been given to us: speech, religion, press, petition, and assembly. We have taken for granted those simple rights for long enough, it is time to spread those rights to others. Considering all the men and women who have died or are still fighting for the purpose of protecting those rights, we owe it to them to share the freedoms we know so well and use so often. Let us put aside our own selfish desires and extend to a world of tyrants and evil the blessing of freedom.

I would like to request that you all pray for Shane's family as they mourn their fallen hero.

May God grant you His blessings,

Tuesday, March 01, 2005


Before I get to the post, I would like to extend an apology to all of you who have checked my blog regularly to find no new posts. You have no idea how much I appreciate you reading my posts, I know you're out there. Thank you, and I'm sorry.
The following post, I wrote first as an essay for my College Writing class. It is to be a Definition essay, and my prompt was selflessness.

I can think of only one person that has ever roamed the Earth and showed complete and ultimate selflessness, Jesus Christ. Jesus exhibited the most perfect forms of selflessness, never before did He put Himself before others. Even in the face of death, Jesus thought only of the people He would save. Jesus had a genuine concern for others, always before Himself.
The life of Jesus is a story that is well known; even most who do not believe in Him usually do not deny His existence. Yet, I bring myself to wonder how someone can know of Jesus, but not know of who He really is and what He really has done for all people. Jesus became the ultimate and complete sacrifice, giving of Himself because it was what He had to do. Jesus gave of His time, His efforts, His energy, His love, His compassion, His desire, and His body and soul; His life for no other reason but to save the human race from their sins and eternal damnation.
How much easier it would have been for Jesus to give up, think only of Himself and that what He was sent to Earth to do was not what He really wanted to do. Perhaps He no longer wanted to spare the lives of many by giving of His own. How different things would be now if He would have. One selfless act created a religion, created the essence of the word “love.” Jesus, in his selfless act, embodied the true meaning of love.
Only once did Jesus second-guess His capability to go through with this selfless act. After all, He was not only the Son of God, but also Son of Man. He was human! At the garden of Gethsemane just before His arrest, He did not feel as though he was able to handle the burden. All along He knew what the purpose of His life was and why God had sent Him to Earth; to give of Himself to redeem the lost. He was sent to bring back to God’s people who had gone astray. He was the shepherd that would leave his flock of 99 sheep to go find and retrieve, by any means necessary, that one single sheep that had wandered off on its own.
How can one person not only embody love, but also the truest form of selflessness? He was able to be love and selfless, to complete the task He was sent to do through the trust and faith He had in the Father God. He was able to give of Himself for one reason, to save the lives of many, simply by complete faith in His Creator, our Creator. It was God’s Will that was the driving force for Jesus and His love, compassion, and selflessness. The great thing is we too can obtain that love, compassion, and selflessness from God just as Jesus did. Jesus can be our motivation to go out of our way for our fellow people, to put our own selves to the side and become an embodiment of Jesus, serving our own people, the way He served His people, selflessly.

God Bless You,