My Daily Revelation Journal

Okay, I confess: "My Daily Revelation Journal" is far from daily, but what I have here is a collection of thoughts I wrote about life and about faith through the years.

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Location: Seward, Nebraska, United States

Monday, December 27, 2004

The Best may not be the Best

Today, my best friend and I went on what i would classify as a "Spencer Run." As in we just went to hang out, and buy stuff. (and get groceries and paint for my mom) I had some Christmas money and thought i would blow it on some stuff.
First, we went to the music store (The Music Connection..great store) to hang out. We spent alot of time there, playing the "best" guitars, and we also bought the "best" guitar strings. (and i got a free t-shirt) But after that, we went to eat at Arby's and then to Walmart. I bought some DVDs and the stuff for my mom. We did minimal messing around there. (Surprising..I know!) We then went over to the mall. Now, we spent alot of time here, going in and out of some of what some people would consider the "best" stores as far as clothing is concerned for the Spencer area. (side note: ...i didn't find anything..i'm not surprised) Then we went to Footlocker, where I bought some running shoes for track, what some people would consider the "best," Nikes. We made our way to JCPennies to look around, I bought a billfold and cheapo-not-the-"best"-mesh shorts. So, after all of that, some reminiscing with an old teacher, talking to some friends we ran into, and some ice cream, we decide it's time to head home. On our way out of town, my friend says, "hey, wanna go to Goodwill?" and i'm all like, "sure, you're driving." So we went, to a store that's known for its secondhand goods that most people don't want. Many of the items there were (past tense) the "best" and some never have been the "best," but none of it is now the "best." (Sorry to say..but it's true..think about all was given obviously somebody didn't think it was the they gave it away) I have to say though, we spent probably the most time there, trying on the most hilarious clothes you'll ever find on that side of the Little Sioux. After all the time in the stores with the "best," we went and spent more time in a store that's not the "best" and I spent the most money there out of all the other clothing stores. (excluding JCPennies...department stores never count). I left there with an outfit that has seen it's glory days long since past...but it was grrreat (trademark of Tony the Tiger...hopefully i don't get sued) because I had fun doing it, and the pants and the shirt I got only costed $7.50 TOTAL! Highway robbery i know..please don't notify the's too much of a deal.
But what i guess i'm trying to say is, that even though some stuff isn't the "best," it can still be good enough.
Well...i didn't really make much of a point. I'm sorry, i hope that didn't turn you away...if that was bad..then go read the ones before it...cause i think they are way better..(thought i was gonna say worse there for a minute didn't ya?!) Hopefully I'll have some less worthless posts for you in the future, but for now, you're stuck with this one. And if you haven't noticed..i kinda have a "thing" for "quotation marks." It won't happen again, I promise.
I just noticed that in all of that stupid stuff, I have said nothing remotely christian here it goes....I LOVE JESUS..and umm..SO SHOULD YOU! there..yeah..alright! Ok, i feel fulfilled. I'll let you stop wasting your "precious" time. (OOPS! there i go again) Thank you for using your time unwisely! Please return, i assure you it won't happen again!


Saturday, December 25, 2004

When do God's Plans become my plans? ..or When do my plans become God's?

Well, as you could probably tell by the title, i'm a bit confused. I've been doing alot of thinking this christmas season. And well, i've kinda come to that conclusion that is my title for this post. When do God's plans become my plans and vis versa. Well, I'll give you an example: The other day, my friend and i were discussing the draft on MSN. He said that he pretty much is afraid of the draft, and he said something really interesting, he said that it would mess up all of his plans. And well, I thought that was rather interesting. I'm not saying that what he said was bad, cause it's true! I think the same thing all the time, and I'm sure almost every guy that has had to register feels the same way. And i'm also pretty sure that almost every guy that was drafted in Vietnam for example probably thought at one point, what about my plans, or I have all these plans, what now?
Now, my next thought plans....So what ever happened to God's plans? How do you know that this isn't God's plan for you? That's what i would be inclined to tell them, and if i were to ever be drafted...after all the freaking out and being scared poopless and stuff..i would have to tell myself that it must be God's plan. Which would pretty much just be either a slight detour away from "my plans," as in i'll merge up with them later, or by chance my life be taken in war, a direct flight to be with God. Do not pass go, do not collect $200, absolute straight trip to be with Him. Which makes me ask myself, now would that be all bad? I don't think so.
So, back to the main idea. What i'm trying to say is, and it's my revelation for now, and it is that I can make my plans, but I will never know God's plan. So, if something goes down, then I guess it must be part of God's plan, even if it doesn't exactly agree with my own. But my next thought is....MAN! I WANNA GET MY HANDS ON THAT ITINERARY! Don't ya sometimes wish God was just this cool travel agent and you were a tourist, just moving through life, seeing all the sites, and you knew every where that you were going to go, and that no matter what you're gonna end up at the gift shop (heaven)? Man..that would be great. Well..i think i've gotten my point across, now i just gotta work on the whole submitting myself to God's plan, the hard part. I wish you luck on doing that yourself..

God's Richest Blessings, (especially upon your future)

Wednesday, December 22, 2004

Screw Ups

Well, I'm gonna do it again, I'm gonna talk some more about screwing up. I do it all the time. I do it in not keeping this daily, not studying God's Word daily, by doing stupid things, by making mistakes, and making people mad. And that's the first thing to do, I'm able to realize that i mess up...(A LOT). Well, by now you're thinking, "what's he getting at?" I'll tell ya. Next time someone screws up, think about how many times you've screwed up and remember that you probably wanted nothing more than for that person to forgive you. Think about it from the other perspective before you get really mad, how would you feel if you were in their position. Chances are you have seen it from there place, because we all screw up. Badly. All the time we sin, and ask for forgiveness. Well, Jesus took that perspective too, though He didn't sin, He just took all of ours but He is in a way that question for forgiveness lived out. And the Resurrection is that apology accepted by God. Saying, "come my children, I forgive you. Believe in My Son. I want you to come spend eternity with me."
I suppose you may be mildly confused now, and that analagy smushed in there probably isn't very clear. But, today, my daily revelation isn't anything new or super amazing, it's simple, basic, and the truth..and i think it coencides nicely with the golden rule. Forgive others, just as you will want to be forgiven, and have been forgiven.

God's Blessing Upon You this Coming Christmas,

Tuesday, December 21, 2004

Not so Daily

WELL! If any of you haven't already noticed, "My Daily Revelation Journal" isn't so "daily." I should have named it "My Regular Revelation Journal" or "My Sometimes I'll post a Revelation Journal." Some of those may have been more fitting. But my revelation for today is (hold on..i have to let my dog in)..ok back...that sometimes a person just has one of those regular, run of the mill, just like every other day kind of days where nothing spectacular happens, and especially sometimes something intellectual. And my last couple of days have been like that. I just don't have anything.
But something else i've made a connection with is....when i 1st started this nice little blog i was in a semi-regular (daily) routine of personal devotion and scripture reading time. But, just as this not being daily, neither is that anymore. How frustrating is have a wonderful little course of Bible study going, and then pooof! all of a sudden you're too busy...or so I say. How can i do that to God, just throw Him to the way side like I do. And oh reading this out there thinking you don't do flash do. You are just as guilty as I am. Guilty as charged, throw us in jail, and hide the key...BUT...the parole board (Jesus..*that's one heck of an analagy*:>) has freed us! WOO HOO! But what was i saying? OH YES! That how terrible it is that I can't stay with a regular Bible study. GRR.. it frustrates me. But do you think that frustration can motivate me to continue it!? YES...but not for long! Man...i hate screwing up. It blows..haha..for lack of a better term.
But anyway, I think I've made you stupider enough now..(i just did it again with my bad english *more stupid*). So, what i want you to get from this is, even if you get off the routine of studying God's Word, you can get back on. And i'm pretty sure God will be there waiting for you.

God's Blessings,

Tuesday, December 14, 2004

Did Mary Know? I think so.

Many of you may be familiar with the Christmas song, "Mary Did You Know?" But incase you haven't heard it, here are it's lyrics:

Mary, did you know that your baby boy
Would one day walk on water?
Mary did you know that your baby boy
Would save our sons and daughters?
Did you know that your baby boy
Has come to make you new?
This child that you deliver will soon deliver you.

Oh, Mary, did you know?
Mary, did you know that your baby boy,
Will give sight to the blind?
Mary, did you know that your baby boy
Would calm a storm with his hand?
Did you know that your baby boy
Has walked where angels trod,
And when you kiss your little baby,Y
ou’ve kissed the face of God?
Oh, Mary, did you know?

Mary, did you know that your baby boy
Is Lord of all creation?
Mary, did you know that your baby boy
Will one day rule the nations?
Did you know that your baby boy,
Was heaven’s perfect Lamb?
And the sleeping child you’re holding
Is the Great I Am?
Oh, Mary, did you know?

(Mary Did You Know? Lyrics by Mark Lowry, Music by Buddy Greene;

Well, my revelation today is that, I think Mary did know alot of this. Of course she could never fathom the specifics of what Jesus would do with His time on Earth and neither could have we, but I really believe she had a pretty good understanding of Who she was carrying in her womb, and Who that Child she gave birth to would become. May i draw your attention to the Book of Luke, the first chapter, specifically verses 30-33. "But the angel said to her, “Do not be afraid, Mary, you have found favor with God. You will be with child and give birth to a son, and you are to give him the name Jesus. He will be great and will be called the Son of the Most High. The Lord God will give him the throne of his father David, and he will reign over the house of Jacob forever; his kingdom will never end.” -Luke 1:30-33 (
The angel Gabriel has told Mary she will be with child and He will be great. So I think there she begins to understand, though it is difficult i imagine, because if you continue on she still can't believe she's with child as a virgin, but she begins to accept the fact. Ya know, and angel of the Lord is talking to her saying this, I'm sure it didn't take long for her to start to accept it.
Also, later, Mary visited Elizabeth, who was also pregnant in her old age. When Mary arrived, it is said in the book of Luke that the child leaped in the womb, and Elizabeth says, "“Blessed are you among women, and blessed is the child you will bear! But why am I so favored, that the mother of my Lord should come to me? ..." (Luke 1: 42-43)
That tells me that even Elizabeth had a pretty good hold on the idea that the child Mary was carrying was going to be Great.
Don't get me wrong, I love this song, it is one of my favorite and most loved Christmas songs, it's just whenever i hear it i think to myself, "Yes, I do think Mary knew, though not the specifics, I really think she knew." But again, don't get me wrong, my intention is not in taking anything away from that song, it is a wonderful song filled with the truth of Christ's greatness and glory.
Well, that's my little revelation for today, it actually occured the other day but i just got the chance to write on it, but i guess it'd be more considered a thought than a revelation! All well, have a good day, and OH! I don't want to forget, if you liked my writing, well...i have a treat for you. You should take a gander at my buddies blog, it's great, leagues better than mine. He has a way of writing that's captivating and engrossing and his real-life applications are incredible. He is truly a man of God, using the talents granted to him by God to their potential. Thank you.

God Bless,

Monday, December 13, 2004

I think God works in crazy ways

If you don't believe me, just come take a walk in my shoes. Every day God does something crazy, and I love it! Nothing is greater than seeing stuff and thinking, man, that's a God thing. But for the last couple of weeks i've been wrestling with what college i will be attending next fall. I've been leaning towards one college for alittle while now, but today, i talk to a counselor from the other college and we talk about some stuff like how i would be a perfect fit at that college, which is his opinion nonetheless, but i can see that. We also started to talk about financial aid and he told me a rough guestimate (a guess and an estimate smushed together incase you didn't know). This college is cheaper than the other to begin with, but then i find out that it'll be even cheaper with the aid that i'll be getting. Now, here's the crazy part, i think God has His ways of telling His people stuff. For awhile now, people have told me that God will tell me where I belong, and i've been praying and waiting for Him to drop a memo and let me know, but He doesn't work like that, It's His Will, so It's His Schedule right? Right! (I have to keep telling myself that.) But, I think God is telling me but not by whispering it in my ear, or sending the angel Gabriel to me at night to tell me i'm with child. Just kidding(that was Mary, incase you didn't know), but we can't possibly fathom the ways that God tries to tell us things. Sometimes we don't listen, and can you imagine how frustrating that is for God? Man, poor guy. But anyway my daily revelation today is, GOD WORKS IN MYSTERIOUS WAYS TO BENEFIT HIS PEOPLE! Kinda crazy huh? And its the truth, isn't that great. Makes me feel all warm and cuddley inside. But anyway, God doesn't just speak to us through those weird life events where you have to stop and say WOAH! HOLD ON! and you can't help but think "That's God..sneeky sneeky." He also speaks to us in His Word (the Bible), His Sacraments (Supper, and your shower *communion and baptism*), and in prayer, your one on one time with the Big Boss Man. So, take some time to notice those crazy weird things, but most importantly, meet God for supper and a chit chat once in awhile, He loves to talk!

God's Blessings,

Thursday, December 09, 2004

First Thoughts

Hello everyone, I'd like to thank you for taking time to read this if you are, I appreciate it. This first post I would like to describe a revelation I encountered during one of my pastor's sermons. I think the main idea of this revelation was what he was eluding to, but I consider it a revelation for myself since this is the first time I've thought of this.
As some of you may know, we are approaching Christmas which means the birth of Jesus, our Lord and Savior, which also means we are in the Advent season which leads up to Christ's birth. What my pastor was talking about was about the Passover. What first started it was the people were told to sacrifice a lamb and put the blood of the lamb over their doors so that the Angel of Death may pass over them. Hence the name, Passover. (very original huh?) Anyhoo! There is some great things in there referring to Jesus Christ. Often times you hear Jesus referred to as the Lamb of God (who takes away the sin of the world if you're at a Lutheran Church on a communion sunday). So maybe your own revelation is occuring. But, what I'm saying is even though the Passover took place long before Jesus' time, I think they are hugely related. So, figuratively, Jesus' blood was in a sense put above our own doors so that we could be saved from eternal death. I know I might be alittle unclear, and it might be not making sense, but I hope you are understanding what I'm getting at. I hope this was what my pastor ment, I kind of stopped listening when my revelation occured. But this Christmas season we need to remember the reason for the season. This is the birth of our Savior, who has taken our place on the Cross and has saved us from the Angel of Death (Satan).
Well, I think you get the point so I'll stop rambling. Hopefully I didn't lose you, and well if I did you probably aren't reading this sentence right now! But anyway, Thanks to those that read this, hope you got something from it and will return to read more that I hope to provide for your reading pleasure!

God Bless,