My Daily Revelation Journal

Okay, I confess: "My Daily Revelation Journal" is far from daily, but what I have here is a collection of thoughts I wrote about life and about faith through the years.

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Location: Seward, Nebraska, United States

Monday, January 31, 2005

How Great Thou Art!!!!

This last Sunday I was finally able to go to church, it was a great feeling. But when I got there, I quickly discovered that we were having a hymn sing where people request what hymns they'd like to sing. It's like the TRL of church. At first I was rather frustrated, I finally was able to go to church, and it was a hymn sing. But I understood, because our pastor had just done a funeral on Friday, and was preparing for a funeral that was today, so I'm sure the last thing he needed was to prepare another sermon. But any sadness I had quickly left when we started to sing some of those Hymn greats. One such hymn was "How Great Thou Art." It was exactly what I needed that day.
Today though, I went to the funeral because the lady was the Step-Grandmother of one of my best friends, and some of us felt it important to go and be there for him. I was very glad I went. It was the first ever funeral I had been to in my own church that I've attended since kindergarten. My pastor provided extremely comforting words to the family and encouraging words to all of us there. But one of the best parts was the end, when one of the most common funeral songs was sung, "How Great Thou Art." As I stood there belting out this very familar song, I just tried to take in the happenings, and the value and tenderness of life. As I saw the family file out of the sanctuary, teary-eyed, it really hit me how great He is. I also started to really look into the words of this song, which I am going to post and invite you to look into aswell. If you know the tune, feel free to sing it to yourself, if not, analyze the beauty and truthfulness of the words. I want your revelation for today to occur the same way mine did, engrossed in the words of this incredible hymn. ...

O Lord my God, when I in awesome wonder. Consider all the works thy hand hath made, I see the stars, I hear the mighty thunder, Thy pow'r throughout the universe displayed; Then sings my soul my Savior God, to thee, How great thou art! How great thou art! Then sings my soul, my Savior God to thee, How
great thou art! How great thou art!

When through the woods and forest glades I wander, I hear the birds sing sweetly in the trees; When I look down from lofty mountain grandeur and hear the brook and feel the gently
breeze;Then sings my soul my Savior God, to thee, How great thou art! How great thou art! Then sings my soul, my Savior God to thee, How great thou art! How great thou art!

But when I think that God, his Son not sparing, Sent him to die, I scarece can take it in, That on the cross my burden gladly bearing He bled and died to take away my sin; Then sings my soul my Savior God, to thee, How great thou art! How great thou art! Then sings my soul, my Savior God to thee, How great thou art! How great thou art!

When Christ shall come with shout of acclamation and take me home, what joy shall fill my heart! Then I shall bow in humble adoration and there proclaim: "My God, how great thou art!" Then sings my soul my Savior God, to thee, How great thou art! How great thou art! Then sings my soul, my Savior God to thee,
How great thou art! How great thou art! (LW # 519)

Enough said, Praise God, Amen.

God's Blessings on your everyday Worship,

Sunday, January 30, 2005

Life's a b...not fun, then ya die...

Many of you have probably heard that saying, or something to that effect. One thing I know, is that I've thought it, and said it. It's used in those times of deep despair, and when stuff just feels like it couldn't get any worse. But why do we think that kinda of stuff. Why do I!!! think that kind of stuff?? Granted, life sucks ..S. U. C. K. S. sucks sometimes, (language of origin please...spelling bee..haha) but how can we dwell in those times so much. I think sometimes I'm so pissed off that I miss hugely important things in my life. Wait..i take that back, I KNOW that sometimes I miss out on things because I'm mad. But why do I do it. I can not figure it out for the life of me. Why do I continue, day in and day out, acting like life's just this big torture chamber. Or that God's this mean kid with a magnifying glass burning my legs off just to watch me squirm. How can I think that....disgusts me....D. I. S. G. U. S. T. S. disgusts. (definition..)
Sometimes it seems that I just skip right over the happy times in my life. woop...right over them, not even realizing it until later what I did. How foolish.
Another thing I wanna talk about is how actually I'm rather unworthy of the friends God's blessed me with. Prepare youself (especially you mom) ....Alot of times I'm an ass to my friends. Honestly, I wonder why they put up with some of the stuff I do. I despise some of the stuff I do sometimes so much that I wouldn't even think of trying to explain it on here. It's horrible. I really don't think I honor my friends they way I should. Andrew will tell you how great of a best friend I am, but I can't help but look at the crap I've done to him. He puts up with so much (no commenting on this part mister..) My other friends too, i do the dumbest things. I've yelled, hit, and picked on my friends. I'm like one of those dumb bullies that you like, but you don't wanna say anything too because they'll just get worse, but you still hang out with. That's me. Yeah, some of you are gonna think I'm coming down way to hard on myself, but think about it alittle if you know me well, you'll find it's pretty well true.
But anyway, I promise, my next post will be alittle happier, cause well, I love Jesus, maybe I'll write some about Him, He's pretty cool.(werd) I'll stop dwelling on the crappy stuff, because well.that's what I said to do alittle bit ago.

God's Blessings and Love and Grace and Mercy..and all that other stuff...

Monday, January 24, 2005

Child-like faith

"And He said: 'I tell you the truth, unless you change and become like little
children, you will never enter the kingdom of heaven. " - Matthew 18:3

If you haven't ever taught Sunday School, to very little children, I'd highly suggest that you do. Not only is it an extremely fun time, but also very
enlightening. I use that word because you're able to see faith at it's finest,
unmolested and simple. You'll also find that it might be important to ask
questions that elicit answers that aren't just "JESUS!" But that's not important for the young ones. The only thing that they care about, and understand is that Jesus loves them no matter what, and believing in Him means they will have eternal life with Him in heaven. To have faith like a child, or like little children, is a trusting and unpretentious faith. Little children don't care what denomination they are, they don't care about anything other then their relationship with Jesus.

In a life application Bible that my mom has, is says the following in the
explanation portions: "Jesus used a child to help his self-centered disciples get the point. We are not to be childish (like the disciples, arguing over petty issues) but childlike, with humble and sincere hearts. Are you being childlike or childish. The disciples had become so preoccupied with the organization of Jesus'earthly kingdom that they had lost sight of its divine purpose. Instead of seeking a place of service, they sought positions of advantage. It is easy to lose our eternal perspective and comptete for promotions or status in the church. It is difficult to identify with "children"--weak and dependent people with no status or influence."

Weak and dependent. Two words the author of the captions used to describe children. Also saying of course to be childlike, so we are to be weak and dependent. So we've established thatChildren are weak and dependent, and I don't need to even say this but I will, just as you, me, him, her, or whoever, needs to be dependent on Jesus, because we are weak.

Things of this world aren't important, so don't fret over them.Don't be
preoccupied with yourself, or things of this place. That is a huge challenge for myself, spoken to myself, but offered to you. Enough said, praise Jesus, Amen.

God's Grace Upon Your Earthly Stay,


Thursday, January 20, 2005

It's like striking gold!

With my busy schedule of practices, meetings, homework, work, and all the other things that bog me down, I've still had the opportunity to strike it rich. Tonight I realized that some of life's greatest moments aren't necessary the best things or the most memorable. Life is so full of little surprises and little things that bring so much joy to your life, and you might not even know it. One of the greatest I can think of right now is just reading the Bible and coming across a passage that is so unbelievably awesome that sometimes you have to restrain yourself from getting out the phonebook and calling everyone you that you can to tell about it. But our days are so full of these mini-happytimes that sometimes they don't even register in our long-term memory.
Sometimes these joys come in some kind of instant gratification that doesn't last long but it was nice while it lasted. Or maybe you were able to see something and found yourself rolling on the floor laughing at something that usually isn't that funny, or sometimes not funny at all. But don't work to hard to try and recognize these simple pots of gold because I think if you do, then they won't be as exciting and you won't get the same feelings out of them.
If you think back and you can't even think of one moment in your life where you had just a little bit of joy momentarily because of something in your day, then your life is too serious. Lighten up! I'm sure these kinds of things happen all the time, you just don't recognize them because you're up tight or something. I don't know, just a thought.
But what I'm getting at it, is I'm starting to wonder if God isn't sending those mini-happytimes by UPS's same-day delivery in order for us to loosen up sometimes. I think when they happen most is when you're all stressed out and at the end of your rope. You may be so busy and you're being so serious and God's starting to think "well hey, maybe I am giving them too much, here's a laugh for ya!" I think so. I've come to realize that God has to have one heck (and yes, i said heck too) of a sense of humor. After all, he created comedians. (and me..cause i'm just funny looking) But i think sometimes he created an overabundance of comedians cause as the joke goes, 10,000 comedians out of work and you're trying to be funny. I love that joke. But well, if I haven't rambled enough yet, I'll start again some other time. Thanks for reading if you got this far.

Peace out yo (God's peace)

Wednesday, January 19, 2005

Biggest Revelation yet!

Wow, if you haven't read my last post yet, don't. It has to be one of the most self-centered things I've ever written. I read back over it and become disgusted with myself. Then I read the comments. Seeing those helped alot.
I'd like to introduce everyone to somebody. If you read those comments, you'll see one by a person that calls himself Dub. Well, actually alot of people call him Dub. It's his nickname and he's a pastor that was a very brave individual because he stood before over 100 teenages at my church camp every day for an hour and talked about sex. Yes, you heard (read)me correctly. But anyway, we have come to know him as Pastor Dub. Well! Anyway, if you read that comment, this man who I have come to respect besides for one bad movie review:) (sorry to bring that up again Pastor). But he said some extremely important things that have given me a new direction to this blog, and quite frankly the direction I should have had all along. My biggest revelation yet is credited to the wisdom of Pastor Dub. But I will post his comment: (oh, and I'd like to thank him for his 2 cents worth)
Dub said...
"The best part about blogging is not getting people to read what you write. The best part about blogging is recording what you feel and where you've been so that when you're in this position again, it looks familiar.I post the important revelations of my life because I want to remember them, not because I want people to see how spiritual I am. If you're posting to show off, it's the wrong reason (cf. Matt. 6:5ff). If you're posting to see where you've been before and to see how far God has brought you, then you are on the path to true spiritual growth.It doesn't matter if other people see us grow. It only matters that we grow. When we grow, other people will see it."
(To go to Dub's blog, click here)
The direction I've had on this is, I've put my revelations on here for an audience, when really I should have only used it as a place for my own thoughts, and my own spiritual growth. This incorrect purpase led to my nonsensical low-morale feeling. How vain can I be. The purpose of my blog is to process my feelings and thoughts and to put things down for my own remembering. I love all of you and thank you so much for reading my posts, but well..I can't let you all be the reason for my writing. Sorry. :) I also would like to get back to giving glory to God in my writings. I need to focus more on putting Him in the center. I need to have Him be the axis my world spins on. (hows that for an analogy) But I think I've said enough, because well, Pastor Dub pretty well said it all!

God's Blessings in wherever you find yourself in life,

Monday, January 17, 2005

My Morale is alittle low.

High hopes can make for deep disappointment. That is my revelation today. The worst part, is it's my own fault. When I first created this blog, I guess the main reason I started it was so that people could read any thoughts that I have sometimes. Well, I guess I've felt that I don't have as many people reading these posts as I originally hoped. But I really put myself up for disappointment for thinking that I would be a widespread thing. But I really didn't expect it to be large, but I was hoping I get alittle bit bigger of a response.
But I really need to thank all of you that do read this, I appreciate it so much when I see comments. I don't have many feelings as good as reading someone's thoughts on my posts and knowing that they took the time to read what I have to say. Again, I appreciate it so much, even if you don't feel the need to comment, that's fine, I still appreciate it.

Also, I have another revelation. Tomorrow my school starts our 2nd semester, and that means the start of one of the most rigerous classes probably offered at our high school. So, in other words, my freetime will be a rare commoditity. But that's alright, I'll still try to get on this as much as possible. I'll keep it short today, I'm usually rather long-winded, but i think this'll do. Again, I thank my readers.

God's Blessings Upon Your Endeavors,

Thursday, January 13, 2005


Tonight, I was looking through my Bible at some of the sections I have highlighted and such, and I came acrossed a chapter in the Bible that has to be now one of my most favorite. One that is by far the most comforting chapters that I have ever read, Romans chapter 5. I have yet to find another place where there is an entire chapter that offers such comfort as Romans 5, and the best part is, it just screams Gospel.
The part that I like most is the first part, verses 1-5. Let me post those for you:
"Therefore, since we have been justified through faith, we have peace with God through our Lord Jesus Christ, through whom we have gained access by faith into this grace in which we now stand. And we rejoice in the hope of the glory of God. Not only so,...
...but we also rejoice in our sufferings, because we know that suffering produces
perseverance; perseverance, character; and character, hope...
...And hope does not disappoint us, because God has poured out his love into our hearts by the Holy Spirit, whom he has given us."-Romans 5:1-5
Suffering so often feels like something that is tearing us down, bringing us to our knees. We get feelings like we can't take anymore, that the burden we carry is too much and we can't carry it any longer. But actually, suffering is building us, it's building perseverance, it's building character, and it's offers a time for hope. That hope is the faith we have in Jesus. God poured out His love for us by giving us Jesus. Allow me to bore you for a moment. I visited my friends at Encarta Dictionary and, and found the following definitions for you to better understand where this verse is coming from.
Perseverance: determined continuation with something: steady and continued action or belief, usually over a long period and especially despite difficulties or setbacks.
Character: Moral or ethical strength. Distinctive qualities: the set of qualities that make somebody or something distinctive, especially somebody’s qualities of mind and feeling.
Hope: To look forward to with confidence or expectation. Also, to wish for something with expectation of its fulfillment.
I know that was probably boring to read those, but I wanted you to see what those definitions are. And I want also to paraphrase them slightly to take the most important parts from them. With perseverance, it's so much the determined continuation through something, that is, become determined that you will make it through your suffering, but don't lose faith or you won't be able to persevere, because it won't be by your own strength. In character, the moral and ethical strength part is the part that is most important because with that, you can fend off things that are bad for you and that can cut you down more. Also, your character is what is distinctive to you, what people see in you, with the perseverance through suffering you will have the strong character. With Hope, all things are possible. And in those times of trouble, we can look ahead with expectation and confidence that we will be delivered and set free, and it also does not come without faith.
So, in your times of deep despair, suffering, heartache, pain, and other problems, persevere, build character, have hope, and above all, have faith in the love and compassion of Jesus. Let me leave you with this verse:
"But God demonstrates his own love for us in this: While we were still sinners, Christ died for us." -Romans 5: 8

God's Blessings, especially in your time of suffering,

Tuesday, January 11, 2005

Hidden verses. Number II

After Andrew read through my post yesterday, he told me another great verse that has hidden in the shadows of a much more famous verse. I have to catch myself from saying things like a better verse, but actually, not better, but just as good.
Today's verse hides in the shadow of probably single-handedly the most popular Bible verse of all time. A verse almost every Christian could probably recite by heart. It's John 3:16. (I'm fairly sure I don't have to post it, we all know what it is. But incase you don't, click on'll take ya there.)But anyway, the verse that is so great, but is so often missed, is of course, the verse to follow. John 3:17 says, "For God did not send his Son into the world to condemn the world, but to save the world through him." I really don't think I have to say much, but I will anyway. But it's so beautifully said, and it's simplicity amazes me. God isn't hidding anything from us! (no pun intended) But lets take it all in stride, because I find myself so often when I even read all of Chapter 3 of the book of John, that I know verse 16 so well that I kind of recite it in my head and continue reading at verse 17, but am I really reading yet. Not really, because my mind hasn't been reading so it basically skips right over verse 17 with hardly any recognition of it at all. But lets look at verse 16 aswell. So if you have a Bible that actually uses two colors in it, and makes everything Jesus says red, you'll see that these verses and it's surrounding verses are spoken by Jesus. He's saying that God has so much love for His people on earth, that He would take His Own Flesh and Blood, His Son and send Him as a ransom for His people on earth. He's really sacrificing His Son, much like He commanded Abraham to do with Isaac, but of course we all know that Abraham didn't have to really sacrifice Isaac. But God loves us so much, that He did gave His Son for us, caring for us so much that He doesn't want us to die, or perish but live forever and always with Him in heaven. But Jesus pretty much mentions a catch, or the kicker of John 3:16, and that is the key part of the whole verse. So God sent His Son to die for all and save them so they can have eternal life, BUT! they have to believe in Him. They have to believe Christ died for them. Because salvation comes by faith in Jesus, not by works. Then verse 17 comes along, almost nonchalantly, and says, well, come on, Jesus didn't come to judge you, not to condemn you to hell, but He came for you, to save you from hell. Every Christmas, a guy from my church puts up these thingers in his front yard. One of them has a nativity scene and in lighted letters it says SALVATION, and then on the other part of his front yeart he has in lighted letters the words, "SECOND COMING, JUDGEMENT." That also makes so much sense though. Jesus came first ONLY for salvation's purpose only. No need to even think about hell when you've got that faith in Jesus. But then, when He comes again, He'll separate, the bad sheep from the good sheep, or the sheep from the goats. (Matthew 25:31-46)
Well, I think that's about all for that one. What a blessing Jesus is. Ya gotta see the Love in that. And then verse 17 being just as important at verse 16, they go hand in hand! And again, if you know of another set of verses where one is well know and it's next one isn't, put it in a comment, or let me know and I'll jabber about it if you want me to! I'd love to!

God's Blessings,

Monday, January 10, 2005

Wonderful verses that hide in the shadow of famous verses.

Andrew and I have been working on a song, yes..that we wrote. We titled it "Jeremiah's Song" because so much of it is taken from Jeremiah, and even 2 of the song verses are almost identical to the Bible verses. Well, one of the verses from Jeremiah that we use for our song is the most famous Jeremiah verse of all, Jeremiah 29:11, "For I know the plans I have for you," declares the Lord, "plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future." So incredibly beautiful and it offers so much encouragement. But what about the verses to follow? Could it possibly get any better!? YES! Now check out verses 12 and 13, they are just as wonderful, but I bet, unless you have done extensive Bible study on Jeremiah, that you have never heard these verses. Verses 12 and 13 say, "Then you will call upon me and come and pray to me, and I will listen to you. You will seek me and find me when you seek me with all your heart." The truth in there just screams out at you! So simple, just seek Him with all of your heart and you will find Him. Go ahead and add in there seeking Him not just with your heart, but with all of you body, mind, and soul. (ie...all of ya..the whole package..with everything/anything possible) In my study Bible, there's a section at the bottom which allows me to know more than any pastor, and it says concerning these 2 verses, "The Lord's gracious gift of prosperity is contingent on His people's willingness to repent." See, that's the key in seeking Him, what to do when you get there. Repent. In doing that, know that God is listening. There is so much Gospel in Jeremiah! I love it!
I guess I need to tell you alittle bit more about what's happening in that part of Jeremiah. God's people had been dispersed throughout the land by the Babylonians and those 3 verses are a part of a Letter, pretty much from God to His people in exile, comforting them. Don't ya think that parallels with what He did through Christ? He's like the letter, He was sent to us, now our comfort in those times of need, and hopefully, not just in those times of need..but all the time.
Interesting little tidbit I'll throw in here (splat). I just started reading a book, and it's written by a man that is fighting cancer. I haven't even begun to read the chapters, but in reading the Intoduction, I've already found so many great things. In it, the author (Dan Roelofs) quotes C.S. Lewis, "God whispers to us in our joy, and He shouts in our pain." Pretty incredible huh? I'd say so. Well, let me make you a promise, as I get farther into that book, I think you'll find me using it alot in my future posts.
Also, I think I might do some continuing of this topic, great verses in the shadow of other great verses. If you find any, please feel free to comment and post them to share with everyone. Remember, if you aren't a member of blogger and don't want to register, you can comment anonymously, but I ask that you identify yourself in the post so I know who you are. That would be much appreciated! Thank you for reading.

God's Blessings Upon Your Days,

P.S. I'll leave you with this extra bit. Did you know that there is 2 books of Johns in the New Testament that have the verse 3:16. Well, 1 John 3:16 is just as beautiful as is counterpart John 3:16.

"This is how we know what love is: Jesus Christ laid down his life for us. And we ought to lay down our lives for our brothers." -1 John 3:16

"For God so love the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life." John 3:16

Sunday, January 09, 2005

Have a problem with someone? Maybe it's you!

Yeah, I'm mostly referring to myself. But do you find yourself having strained relationships and the like? I do sometimes and well, my revelation just happened a little bit ago, and it's that I've come to realize that so often in those strained relationships, it's me that has the problem, or is causing all of the trouble.
There are a few things that contribute to me causing the tension in relationships, and I can pretty much connect at least one or more of these following things to most, if not all, of any strained relationships I've had. One of the things is I'm way too easily annoyed. If something isn't going right, or I'm not in just the right mood, people around me suffer because I'm annoyed and acting childish. Another is my temper, I get set off so easily. Some of my classmates and I have had trouble with this in that I'm known to "freak out," or blow up. Which is true. Also, my horrible mood swings contribute greatly to many of my relational troubles. People have out and told me that I'm really hard to read, and I believe that because my mood can change at the drop of a dime. Those are just a few of the problems I find in myself when I evaluate myself. Most people will say, naahh..that's no big deal. Well, actually they can become a huge problem, and sometimes they are. I can think of so many times that I have gotten myself into trouble because of my attitude. And actually, I think alot of is my personality. I sometimes find myself saying that the person was being dumb and deserved it or whatever, but when I think about it...when I truly think about it, there's sometimes no excuse for my behavior. It really frustrates me. Sometimes, I can be the biggest...well..for lack of a better term...jerk. Makes me even more thankful for my friends and family.
Makes me also to appreciate much more the forgiveness I've been given through Christ. And with that I suddenly find myself at a loss for words...I just pray my friends can continue to find it in their hearts to forgive my numerous imperfections, so often I find myself unworthy. I also pray that the relationships that have been hurt or broken because of...myself..can be mended with forgiveness. Ok, I'm off. I'd like to end with a message to all of my family and friends, I am sorry for the way that I conduct myself sometimes. Often, I do not have the self-control needed to be the kind of son, brother, friend, boyfriend, co-worker, student, etc. that I should. Forgive me, I pray that I'll gain the strength to control myself and my actions towards others for life is too short to have broken ties. Thank you to all those who put up with me on a daily basis, sometimes you are as brave as a lion tamer.

God's Riches Blessings Upon Your Day,

Saturday, January 08, 2005

The Divine Mystery

Does anyone know what I'm referring to when I say the Divine Mystery? Well, thanks the to book I'm reading, Open Secrets by Richard Lischer, I now know what it is. It's the Holy Trinity of God. God the Father, God the Son, and God the Holy Spirit. I can remember from back in my confirmation days, my Pastor once asked me to explain to him the Trinity. Being the genious student that I am, I nailed it!...or so I thought, my pastor continued to look at me and say, "I don't get it." Well, that just cut me down. was the truth because with the wonderful gift of hindsight, I can look back and realize that I had no idea what I was talking about!
In this book, Richard begins to describe the most beautiful stained glass window in the entire church. I won't go into the specifics because he does describe it in the book, but that's alittle much for this, but they call it the Trinity window.
First, lets learn alittle of what I'm assuming is Latin. The word for God is Deus. Father is Pater. Son is Filius, and Holy Spirit is Spiritus Santus. If that ain't latin, let me know..but i'm pretty sure it is...but, as I showed earlier...I can actually be wrong....surprising I know..But anyway, Richard Lischer is a Lutheran pastor and he has his doctorate thinger and everything, so I'd say he's a pretty intelligent man. Well, he kinda puts in his book (Open Secrets) a little something about the Trinity that I think is pretty interesting, he says, "God is persons and nothing else. There is no waxy residue of divinity that is not wrapped up in these three persons, Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. That's who God is. God is (est) each of these three persons, but the persons are distinct from one another (non est-is not). God is both: alone in majesty and at the same time forever radiating love through each person of the Trinity." I think that says it pretty well. He also later says that no amount of analogies will produce the majesty of the Holy Trinity, who is alone in greatness and divinity..and he states an example analogy that is the skin, the pulp, and the core--all are an apple. Kinda interesting huh? How they are all distinct and different but are all one. But he's so right, that analogy doesn't come close to the majesty of the Holy Trinity. But with all this that he says, he still calls the Trinity a mystery. Interesting I think. But it's just one of those things that we just aren't supposed to comprehend, we just don't have the possibility to do that.
I am hoping that God holds regular press conferences in heaven so that when I get there I can go and sit in and inbetween many peoples "Why'd you do that to me" questions, I can ask Him some real questions like, "How'd you make the sun shine?" or one of my first ones would be, "What are your thoughts on evolution?" cause I think that would be fairly interesting. I would hope that He would start to laugh at how obsurd it is. But who knows! I doubt by the time I get there, dumb, pointless, insignificant questions will be...well..hmm..INSIGNIFICANT. I think I'll just bask in His glory, maybe armwrestle Jesus, He looks like He could put up a pretty good match. He's prolly win though...being God and all. But this is stuff I find myself thinking about. I'm sure heaven's not just a place to sit around and watch all the poor shmucks that gotta live on earth still. There's so many things I'd wanna do. After I've beaten Jesus at an armwrestling match, and an embrace that I find myself yearning for, I'll go find some of my family members. Tell them I beat Jesus, (is that blasphemy andrew?) and just sit and talk to them, hug them. Makes me almost teary eyed, to think about the joy of being able to spend eternity like that. Something that would never get old or boring. Yes, there are the sad thoughts of leaving loved ones on earth, but I think thinking of that takes away from the greatness of going to heaven. And I think I've found a feeling that beats feeling loved..but also, this feeling is so completely love at the same time, and it's the assurance that I will one day go and be with my Father and my Savior. I can't think of anything better.
Wow...I kinda got off from my topic, yet I didn't at the same time. I think I covered two "divine mysteries," the Holy Trinity, and Heaven. I think Heaven is even more of a mystery. Here's a tough question: Describe to me what Heaven looks like. Hope you don't run across one of those on a test. But the great thing is, just as with the Holy Trinity and forming our own comprehension of it, we can also have our own idea of what Heaven will be like. Who knows..maybe everyone will have their own special part of heaven, that was exactly like they imagined it. Kinda like a bedroom. There's a song that gets me really excited for Heaven, maybe you've heard it, Big House by Audio Adrenaline. Great song. Jesus has gone to prepare a place for us, and we can play football, or arm wrestle. Such a mysterious, yet beautiful thing.
I think I'll stop there, I'm on the verge of a novelette. (A short novel) Sorry about being so random and ADDish tonight.

God's Blessings,

Wednesday, January 05, 2005

Ultimate trust!

To start off, just so all of you who don't know me well, I'm a Lutheran, which means I follow Martin Luther's teachings as well as I can in the church I attend. Well, recently a biographical movie of his life was made and also a biographical book that coincides with the movie was published. Well, surprisingly (not) I own the movie, and thanks to my Pastor who generously allowed Andrew and I to have some of his old books and those he no longer uses, I now possess the book as well.
I watched the movie last week, and tonight I began to read the book and have come across something great. Here it is:
As Luther was starting to speak out against the Catholic church and he was called to Augsburg to go before the Cardinal there where he would be asked to recant, or take back the things he said or he would be excommunicated or worse. Well, before he was to leave Wittenburg, where he taught at the University there and also where he posted the 95 theses, his friends and others were certain that Luther would not come back alive. But Luther didn't care...he knew God would protect him, he trusted. In the book it has a quote where he says, "let the Lord's will be done. Even at Augsburg, yes, in the midst of His enemies, Jesus Christ rules." LOOK AT THAT TRUST! Do you see how he just gives it to God. He wasn't going to let anything get to him. He knew that he had to do what needed to be done. He knew he had to stand up for the Biblical truths. I'm sure I could find other instances where Luther shows his profound trust in the Lord, but I haven't gotten that far. He's unbelievable. Gives us something to aspire to I guess, an example.
I now have realized, that is the kind of trust I want, the kind I NEED. Sometimes, I hear people say things like, "Have you prayed about it?" to things that I think aren't importand and are not significant. I almost seem to sneer at them and just shrug the statement off. But it's so true!!!! Nothing is to big for the Lord God Almighty, thus nothing is too small. God has a large grasp, but that doesn't mean He can't clentch small items also.
This is my deepest and most heartfelt prayer that I raise to my God. Please, if you so feel inclined, pray this prayer with me:
Heavenly Father, I thank you for always being there for me, even when I don't always come to You. Help me to trust You more. Help me to give any of my problems over to You. Help me to know that when I lay my burdens at the base of the Cross where my Savior died that I will be set free from them. Help me to trust Lord. In Jesus' wonderful name, I pray. Amen.
If you prayed that prayer..and not just read over it, take the time to comment and say you offered yourself to God for help. Let it be known that you did. Let all who read this know that you have offered yourself, your being, your whole self, to our wonderful God.

God's Blessings,

Tuesday, January 04, 2005


AAAHHHH! You know what amazes me? There are only a few things that the medical field has not come up with a cure for, cancer and AIDS, just to name a couple. Well, there's another! THE COMMON COLD! Today has been a horrible day. Lemme take it back some...
It all started last friday when I woke up with a sore throat. Usually a definate indication of what's to come...a cold. Well, Saturday wasn't too bad, and Sunday I just had the coughs and some sneezing and Monday just a mild stuffy nose. Well, today, the ball dropped. I have felt like crap all day. I won't get into the specifics because they can get pretty disgusting as many of you can imagine, but I felt so bad that I had to leave school early and for the first time EVER, I had to call in sick to work. Another thing I wasn't happy about. Then, around 5 or so I started feeling worse so I decided I should check my temperature. And as you could guess, I had about a 100. I was feeling horrible, the only thing I could think of to do is lay down with a cold, damp cloth over my forehead and just try to sleep. I kinda did, after the head pounding and throbbing subsided some. So all night I've been fighting the sinus headache, the stuffed up nose, the runny nose, name it. I'm like the posterchild for cold meds. Which only work sometimes.
Well, feeling so horrible, do you think I went to God? NOPE. How frustrating, all I was doing...and am still doing is wallowing in my self-pity! Here it is, the 4th of January, and I am already having a great deal of trouble with my, not New Year's Resolution, but my New Year's Challenge, which was to give it to God and trust. Well, the first problem is I'm not even giving it to God, so trust is nonexistent then. So I'm kinda frustrated with myself to say the least. I am glad that this snow storm has come so there's a good chance we won't have school tomorrow which will really help me recoup, but it'll be atleast a 2 hour late start. But I think it's God's way of helping me. Kind of self-centered, but it does have pretty good timing...but who knows!
Well, I'm gonna go take some drugs and go to bed and try to rest and relax. Hopefully if there's no school tomorrow I might be able to get an actual revelation posted!

God's Blessings,

Monday, January 03, 2005

I did it!

I finally did it. After all the fussing, headaches, and mind changes. I've finally committed to a college. I mailed the signed sheet and the money in TODAY! It feels kinda good..:> I have taken the first big step of 2005 and I will be attending Concordia University, Seward, Nebraska this fall! This is great. Well, I really don't have anything other then that! But I trust in Him that Seward will be the place for me, a place for my faith to flourish and grow like mad and i'll be able to learn, and grow as a person to my highest potentional. I think I will, so I'm excited to get there and start my future!

God's Blessings,